Results for 'Donald David Hoffman'

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  1.  97
    The case against reality: why evolution hid the truth from our eyes.Donald David Hoffman - 2019 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Independent Publishers since 1923.
    Mystery: the scalpel that split consciousness -- Beauty: sirens of the gene -- Reality: capers of the unseen sun -- Sensory: fitness beats truth -- Illusory: the bluff of a desktop -- Gravity: spacetime is doomed -- Virtuality: inflating a holoworld -- Polychromy: mutations of an interface -- Scrutiny: you get what you need, in both life and business -- Community: the network of conscious agents -- Precisely: the right to be wrong.
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    Meaningfulness as a variable in dichotic hearing.David S. Emmerich, Donald M. Goldenbaum, Dale L. Hayden, Linda S. Hoffman & Jeanne L. Treffts - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (4):433.
  3.  37
    Lived Experience in New Models of Care for Substance Use Disorder: A Systematic Review of Peer Recovery Support Services and Recovery Coaching.David Eddie, Lauren Hoffman, Corrie Vilsaint, Alexandra Abry, Brandon Bergman, Bettina Hoeppner, Charles Weinstein & John F. Kelly - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Resistance to extinction as a function of the sequence of varied reward.Donald T. Williams, Daryl L. Hoffman & James W. Webster - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (2):214-216.
  5. Why the North Won the Civil War.David Donald & Harry V. Jaffa - 1961 - Science and Society 25 (4):356-360.
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  6. Austin and Sense Data.Donald David Todd - 1967 - Dissertation, The University of British Columbia (Canada)
  7. Salience of visual parts.Donald D. Hoffman & Manish Singh - 1997 - Cognition 63 (1):29-78.
  8. Conscious realism and the mind-body problem.Donald Hoffman - 2008 - Mind and Matter 6 (1):87-121.
    Despite substantial efforts by many researchers, we still have no scientific theory of how brain activity can create or be con- scious experience. This is troubling since we have a large body of correlations between brain activity and consciousness, correlations normally assumed to entail that brain activity creates conscious experience. Here I explore a solution to the mind-body problem that starts with the converse assumption: these correlations arise because consciousness creates brain activity and indeed creates all objects and properties of (...)
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  9. Perception, Evolution, and the Explanatory Scope of Scientific Theories.Donald D. Hoffman & Manish Singh - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (9):29-41.
    According to the interface theory of perception, our perceptual systems have evolved to provide a species-specific interface to guide adaptive behaviour, and not to provide veridical representations of an observer-independent world. Results of simulations of evolutionary resource games, genetic algorithms, and multiple mathematical theorems have supported and fleshed out this claim in various ways. They indicate that the probability is zero that any perceptual system has been shaped by natural selection to represent the true structure of an observer-independent world. Bagwell (...)
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    Investigation on evolutionary predictive control of chemical reactor.Ivan Zelinka, Donald David Davendra, Roman Šenkeřík & Michal Pluháček - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (2):156-166.
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  11. The scrambling theorem: A simple proof of the logical possibility of spectrum inversion.Donald D. Hoffman - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (1):31-45.
    The possibility of spectrum inversion has been debated since it was raised by Locke and is still discussed because of its implications for functionalist theories of conscious experience . This paper provides a mathematical formulation of the question of spectrum inversion and proves that such inversions, and indeed bijective scramblings of color in general, are logically possible. Symmetries in the structure of color space are, for purposes of the proof, irrelevant. The proof entails that conscious experiences are not identical with (...)
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    Bruce M. Bennett.Donald D. Hoffman & Chetan Prakash - 2002 - In D. Heyer, Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 229.
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    Does perception replicate the external world?Donald D. Hoffman - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):415-416.
    Vision scientists standardly assume that the goal of vision is to recover properties of the external world. Lehar's “miniature, virtual-reality replica of the external world inside our head” (target article, sect. 10) is an example of this assumption. I propose instead, on evolutionary grounds, that the goal of vision is simply to provide a useful user interface to the external world.
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  14.  42
    No perception without representation.Donald D. Hoffman - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):247-247.
  15.  50
    The data problem for color objectivism.Donald D. Hoffman - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (1):74-77.
  16. The scrambling theorem unscrambled: A response to commentaries.Donald D. Hoffman - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (1):51-53.
  17. Vision: Form Perception.Donald D. Hoffman & Manish Singh - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Erratum to: The neural system for the inhibition of startle.Donald S. Leitner, Alice S. Powers & Howard S. Hoffman - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):89-89.
  19.  18
    The neural system for the inhibition of startle.Donald S. Leitner, Alice S. Powers & Howard S. Hoffman - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (6):410-412.
  20. Eigenforms, Interfaces and Holographic Encoding: Toward an Evolutionary Account of Objects and Spactime.Chris Fields, Donald D. Hoffman, Chetan Prakash & Robert Prentner - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (3):265-274.
    Context: The evolution of perceptual systems and hence of observers remains largely disconnected from the question of the emergence of classical objects and spacetime. This disconnection between the biosciences and physics impedes progress toward understanding the role of the “observer” in physical theory. Problem: In this article we consider the problem of how to understand objects and spacetime in observer-relative evolutionary terms. Method: We rely on a comparative analysis using multiple formal frameworks. Results: The eigenform construct of von Foerster is (...)
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  21.  94
    Descartes on misrepresentation.Paul David Hoffman - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (3):357-381.
    I examine Descartes's theory of cognition, taking as a starting point his account of how misperception is possible. In the Third Meditation Descartes introduces the hypothesis that there are ideas (such as the idea of cold) which seem to be of something real but which in fact represent nothing (if, for example, cold is a privation or absence of heat, rather than the presence of a positive quality). I argue, against Margaret Wilson, that Descartes does not think there are any (...)
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  22.  61
    The relationship between ethical and customer-oriented service provider behaviors.Vince Howe, K. Douglas Hoffman & Donald W. Hardigree - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (7):497 - 506.
    This study examines the relationship between the ethical behavior and customer orientation of insurance sales agents engaged in the selling of complex services, e.g. health, life, auto, and property insurance. The effect of ethical and customer-oriented behavior, measured by the SOCO scale (Saxe and Weitz, 1982), on the annual premiums generated by the agents is also investigated. Customeroriented sales agents are found to engage in less unethical behavior than their sales-oriented counterparts. Further, sales-oriented agents are found to perceive greater levels (...)
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  23. Cartesian composites.Paul David Hoffman - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):251-270.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cartesian CompositesPaul HoffmanTowards the end of a paper in which I argued that Descartes thinks a human being is a genuine unity, I invited other commentators to come to Descartes’s defense by accounting for his apparently contradictory claims that a human being is an ens per se and that it is an ens per accidens.1 These claims seem to be contradictory, because in saying that a human being is (...)
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  24. Thomas Reid's notion of exertion.Paul David Hoffman - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (3):431-447.
    : Thomas Reid uses the notion of exertion in various ways that have not been distinguished in the secondary literature. Sometimes he uses it to refer to the exercise of a capacity or power, sometimes to the turning on or activitating of a capacity or power, and still other times to the attempt to activate a capacity or power. Getting clear on Reid's different uses of the term 'exertion' is essential to understanding his account of the sequence of events in (...)
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  25.  38
    Editorial: Epistemic Feelings: Phenomenology, Implementation, and Role in Cognition.Eric Dietrich, Chris Fields, Donald D. Hoffman & Robert Prentner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Immersive Virtual Reality as an Adjunctive Non-opioid Analgesic for Pre-dominantly Latin American Children With Large Severe Burn Wounds During Burn Wound Cleaning in the Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study.Hunter G. Hoffman, Robert A. Rodriguez, Miriam Gonzalez, Mary Bernardy, Raquel Peña, Wanda Beck, David R. Patterson & Walter J. Meyer - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  27.  29
    ‘Sit down and thrash it out’: opportunities for expanding ethics consultation during conflict resolution in long-term care.David N. Hoffman & Gianna R. Strand - 2024 - The New Bioethics 30 (2):152-162.
    Objective: To identify the frequency and nature of care conflict dilemmas that United States long-term care providers encounter, response strategies, and use of ethics resources to assist with dispute resolution. Design: An online cross-sectional survey was distributed to the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (AMDA). Results: Two-thirds of participants, primarily medical directors, have rejected surrogate instructions and 71% have managed family conflict. Conflict over treatment decisions and issues interpreting advance directives were frequently reported. Half of facilities lack a (...)
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  28. Expanding the Duty to Rescue to Climate Migration.David N. Hoffman, Anne Zimmerman, Camille Castelyn & Srajana Kaikini - 2022 - Voices in Bioethics 8.
    Photo by Jonathan Ford on Unsplash ABSTRACT Since 2008, an average of twenty million people per year have been displaced by weather events. Climate migration creates a special setting for a duty to rescue. A duty to rescue is a moral rather than legal duty and imposes on a bystander to take an active role in preventing serious harm to someone else. This paper analyzes the idea of expanding a duty to rescue to climate migration. We address who should have (...)
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    Active vision and the basketball problem.Manish Singh & Donald D. Hoffman - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (6):772-773.
    It is fruitful to think of the representational and the organism-centered approaches as complementary levels of analysis, rather than mutually exclusive alternatives. Claims to the contrary by proponents of the organism-centered approach face what we call the “basketball problem.”.
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  30. Visual worlds: Construction or reconstruction?Todd R. Davies, Donald D. Hoffman & Agustin M. G. Rodriguez - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (5-6):72-87.
    Psychophysical studies of change blindness indicate that, at any instant, human observers are aware of detail in few parts of the visual field. Such results suggest, to some theorists, that human vision reconstructs only a few portions of the visual scene and that, to bridge the resulting representational gaps, it often lets physical objects serve as their own short-term memory. We propose that human vision reconstructs no portion of the visual scene, and that it never lets physical objects serve as (...)
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  31. Perception and evolution.Bruce M. Bennett, Donald D. Hoffman & Chetan Prakash - 2002 - In D. Heyer, Perception and the Physical World: Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception. John Wiley and Sons. pp. 229--245.
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    Unity of perception.Bruce M. Bennett, Donald D. Hoffman & Chetan Prakash - 1991 - Cognition 38 (3):295-334.
  33.  49
    Psychophysical studies of expressions of pain.Temre N. Davies & Donald D. Hoffman - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (4):458-459.
    What differentiates expressions of pain from other facial expressions? Which facial features convey the most information in an expression of pain? To answer such questions we can explore the expertise of human observers using psychophysical experiments. Techniques such as change detection and visual search can advance our understanding of facial expressions of pain and of evolved mechanisms for detecting these expressions.
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  34. Author's Response: Boundaries, Encodings and Paradox: What Models Can Tell Us About Experience.Chris Fields, Donald D. Hoffman, Chetan Prakash & Robert Prentner - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (3):284-291.
    Formal models lead beyond ordinary experience to abstractions such as black holes and quantum entanglement. Applying such models to experience itself makes it seem unfamiliar and even paradoxical. We suggest, however, that doing so also leads to insights. It shows, in particular, that the “view from nowhere” employed by the theorist is both essential and deeply paradoxical, and it suggests that experience has an unrecorded, non-reportable component in addition to its remembered, reportable component.
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    The interaction of pitch and loudness discriminations.J. Donald Harris, Andrew G. Pikler, Howard S. Hoffman & Richard H. Ehmer - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (3):232.
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    Perception, inference, and the veridicality of natural constraints.Manish Singh & Donald D. Hoffman - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):395-396.
    Pylyshyn's target article argues that perception is not inferential, but this is true only under a narrow construal of inference. A more general construal is possible, and has been used to provide formal theories of many visual capacities. This approach also makes clear that the evolution of natural constraints need not converge to the “veridical” state of the world.
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    The Medical Malpractice Insurance Crisis, Again.David N. Hoffman - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (2):15.
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    Corporate Governance and Institutionalizing Ethics: Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Business Ethics.David A. Fedo, W. Michael Hoffman & Jennifer Mills Moore - 1984 - Free Press.
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    Bukharin's Theory of Equilibrium.David Hoffman - 1972 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1972 (14):126-136.
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    Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Vere Chappell.Paul Hoffman, David Owen & Gideon Yaffe (eds.) - 2008 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    The essays in this collection are all studies in the history of modern philosophy. Together they provide a cross-section of current efforts to reconstruct ...
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  41.  6
    Das "Basler Nietzsche-Archiv": Katalog der Ausstellung.David Marc Hoffman - 1993 - Basel: Universitätsbibliothek.
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    (1 other version)Liberal Arts and Professional Education.W. Michael Hoffman & David A. Fedo - 1994 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:142-151.
  43.  7
    Legal outlines.David Hoffman - 1836 - Buffalo: W.S. Hein.
    Lectures on law presented by the author to students. The text represents a significant contribution to American legal literature & was an important text relied upon by lawyers of the day. Bibliographic Reference: Warren, HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN BAR 356 (1911).
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  44. Metaphysical Foundations of Descartes' Concept of Matter.Paul David Hoffman - 1982 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    In Chapter One I present an interpretation of Descartes' theory of distinction. I argue that the best understanding of the notion of separate existence at stake in the real distinction between mind and body is not that each can exist without the other existing, nor that each can exist without a real union with the other, but that each can exist without the attributes of the other. However, the only notion of separate existence which can provide an adequate acccount of (...)
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    The International SOLETM of Finnish Higher Education.David M. Hoffman, Jussi Välimaa, Taina Saarinen, Minna Söderqvist, Mika Raunio & Marjaana Korhonen - 2011 - International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (3):25-39.
    This participative inquiry critiques recent management trends in the Finnish higher education system. The six authors, presently working in three Finnish universities, focus on strategic internationalization policy to highlight the argument. Global trends in internationalization are introduced, followed by an experienced-based meta-analysis, drawing on several recent studies by the authors. This analysis points to significant challenges and blind spots that exist- well hidden- alongside the Finnish higher education system’s best features. The increasing use of ICT-based management routines are called into (...)
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  46. Thomas Paine's Le Siecle de la Raison, ou Le Sens Commun Des Droits De L'Homme : Notes on a Curious Edition of The Age of Reason.David Hoffman & Claudia Carlos - 2016 - In Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell, New directions in Thomas Paine studies. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  47. Third-party punishment as a costly signal of trustworthiness.Jillian Jordan, Moshe Hoffman, Paul Bloom & David Rand - 2016 - Nature 530 (7591):473–6.
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    Prospecting (in) the data sciences.Stephen C. Slota, Andrew S. Hoffman, David Ribes & Geoffrey C. Bowker - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Data science is characterized by engaging heterogeneous data to tackle real world questions and problems. But data science has no data of its own and must seek it within real world domains. We call this search for data “prospecting” and argue that the dynamics of prospecting are pervasive in, even characteristic of, data science. Prospecting aims to render the data, knowledge, expertise, and practices of worldly domains available and tractable to data science method and epistemology. Prospecting precedes data synthesis, analysis, (...)
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  49. Fitness Beats Truth in the Evolution of Perception.Chetan Prakash, Kyle D. Stephens, Donald D. Hoffman, Manish Singh & Chris Fields - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (3):319-341.
    Does natural selection favor veridical percepts—those that accurately depict objective reality? Perceptual and cognitive scientists standardly claim that it does. Here we formalize this claim using the tools of evolutionary game theory and Bayesian decision theory. We state and prove the “Fitness-Beats-Truth Theorem” which shows that the claim is false: If one starts with the assumption that perception involves inference to states of the objective world, then the FBT Theorem shows that a strategy that simply seeks to maximize expected-fitness payoff, (...)
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  50.  26
    Virtual Reality Analgesia During Venipuncture in Pediatric Patients With Onco-Hematological Diseases.Barbara Atzori, Hunter G. Hoffman, Laura Vagnoli, David R. Patterson, Wadee Alhalabi, Andrea Messeri & Rosapia Lauro Grotto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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